Thursday, July 27, 2006

Too Beautiful for Me?

Just a little 'ole list of some famous people whose purported beauty/hunkiness I just flat out don't get. Either I'm seriously out of step with modern notions of beauty, or these folks just pay their publicists really, really well. To wit:

Jessica Alba - Often touted as one of the most beautiful women in Hollywood. Wha-huh? Looks like a tanorexic soccer mom in training.

Jessica Simpson - I'll quote my sister's Brazilian friend Fernanda, who succintly described her brother's girlfriend thusly: "Too stupid. Too Barbie."

Keira Knightly - For god's sake, woman, EAT SOMETHING. I know it's a cliche at this point to talk about the weight of women in Hollywood, but I can't look at her without gasping. You know why her cheekbones look like that? Malnourishment.

Cameron Diaz - Needs a healthy cycle of Proactiv.

Tom Cruise - Short, phony smile, ugly.

Usher - Looks like a homely little kid playing dress up.

Anyone else? I mean, other than everyone else.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Temporary Template

I just couldn't subject you to my "handmade" (i.e., hideous) template anymore, so I'm using this one as a placeholder.

It's actually surprisingly hard for a non-techie type to create a template on one's own. There are plenty of sites that offer blog skins designed by novices, but half the time there's some design glitch that turns all your images upside down, or you lose posts while trying to apply it, or the template only works when your writing in Sanskrit.

This Blogger template is nice enough, but I'd rather have something unique (According to Roger, that's pronounced "yoo-knee-cue"). Anyone wanna design me purty a template? I'll take you out for drinks or edit your grad school essay or dance at your daughter's wedding, or..or..or...