Thursday, July 27, 2006

Too Beautiful for Me?

Just a little 'ole list of some famous people whose purported beauty/hunkiness I just flat out don't get. Either I'm seriously out of step with modern notions of beauty, or these folks just pay their publicists really, really well. To wit:

Jessica Alba - Often touted as one of the most beautiful women in Hollywood. Wha-huh? Looks like a tanorexic soccer mom in training.

Jessica Simpson - I'll quote my sister's Brazilian friend Fernanda, who succintly described her brother's girlfriend thusly: "Too stupid. Too Barbie."

Keira Knightly - For god's sake, woman, EAT SOMETHING. I know it's a cliche at this point to talk about the weight of women in Hollywood, but I can't look at her without gasping. You know why her cheekbones look like that? Malnourishment.

Cameron Diaz - Needs a healthy cycle of Proactiv.

Tom Cruise - Short, phony smile, ugly.

Usher - Looks like a homely little kid playing dress up.

Anyone else? I mean, other than everyone else.

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